Google Stock Price Prediction
This model has been developed in popular deep learning framework tensorflow 2.0 version with keras.
In this model development, I have taken sequential model , different kerars layers such as:
Dropout, LSTM for reducing loss with different filters size.
at first, I took epochs equal to 10, dropout=0.3 but model did not predict the prices as real prices.
to get correct prediction along with the data , I changed the epochs number and dropout ratio and finally, I got the prediction like given below. you can see details with code and dataset by following link:
This model has been developed in popular deep learning framework tensorflow 2.0 version with keras.
In this model development, I have taken sequential model , different kerars layers such as:
Dropout, LSTM for reducing loss with different filters size.
at first, I took epochs equal to 10, dropout=0.3 but model did not predict the prices as real prices.
to get correct prediction along with the data , I changed the epochs number and dropout ratio and finally, I got the prediction like given below. you can see details with code and dataset by following link: