Monday, May 11, 2020

Google Stock Price Prediction 2020

Google Stock Price Prediction

This model has been developed in popular deep learning framework tensorflow 2.0 version with keras.

In this model development, I have taken sequential model , different kerars layers such as:
 Dropout, LSTM for reducing loss with different filters size.

at first, I took epochs equal to 10, dropout=0.3 but model did not predict the prices as real prices.
to get correct prediction along with the data , I changed the epochs number and dropout ratio and finally, I got the prediction like given below. you can see details with code and dataset by following link:

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Machine Learning by Python

Implementation of Machine Learning Algorithm

There are different types of algorithm used to implement the machine learning projects. Generally it is classified as:

  1. supervised machine learning model
  2. unsupervised machine learning model
  3. semi -supervised machine learning model
  4. deep learning model
  5. reinforcement learning model and so on.
basically, to implement each model, the following steps can be needed:

  1. Import Python Libraries
  2. read and retrieve data set like CSV and excel file
  3. visualize the data set to see their characteristics
  4. find and remove the missing values
  5. wrangling the data set
  6. determine the independent and target variables
  7. splitting the data set into train and test set
  8. fitting the  train and test data into the model
  9. predict the results
  10. again visualize the training results and test results
  11. evaluate the model
  12.  by confusion matrix or accuracy score to check the accuracy of the model on the given data set.

Note:basic python libraries are: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn,scikit,tensorflow and so on.

example: KNN algorithm for SUV car purchase prediction based on age and estimated salary

Monday, April 20, 2020


लकडाउन का प्रभावहरु 

कोरोना भाइरस अत्यन्त छिटो one to another person मा सर्न सक्ने भाइरस हो।यो भाइरस सरेमा मानिस को मृत्यु हुने सम्भावना बढी हुने भएकोले ,विश्व मा १६५००० बढीको मृत्यु भैसकेको देखिन्छ ।यो महामारी कोरोन भाइरस को विरुद्ध मा अहिले सम्म कुनै किसिमका प्रभावकारी उपचारको वेवास्था नभएको ले सामाजिक दुरी जस्ता कार्य को अत्यन्त जरुरी देखिन्छ ।सामाजिक दुरी को कायम राखन LOCKDOWN ले महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका खेले पनि यसका केहि नकारात्मक प्रभाव रहेको पाईन्छ ।

सकारात्मक प्रभाव 

  • Knowledge and skill gap maintain गर्न सकिने 
  • अनावश्यक खर्च मा कमि हुने 
  • बाताबरण प्रदुषण मा कमि हुने 
  • कोरोना को संक्रमित हुन बाट वचन सकिने 
  • सूचना प्रबिधि को उपयोगमा बृधि 

नकारात्मत प्रभाव 

  • सरकारले लिएका नीति तथा योजना कार्यन्वयन मा समस्या हुने 
  • बैंकमा तरलता बढ्न सक्ने 
  • राजस्व मा कमि हुने 
  • बिप्रेसंमा कमि हुने 
  • मानसिक रोगि हरुको संख्यामा बृधि हुन सक्ने 
  • भोकमरी को संख्यामा बृधि भई गरिबीको प्रतिसतमा बृधि 
  • मुलुक को आर्थिक बृधि मा कमि हुदै (६. ५ % बाट २ % सम्ममा झर्न सक्ने )
  • प्रयटकको आगमनमा आएको कमिले मुलुक को आर्थिक देन मा कमि हुने 
  • उत्पादन तथा उत्पादकत्व को कमि ले देशको IMPORT मा कमि तथा EXPORT मा बृधि हुने र Balance of  Payment मा नकारात्मत प्रभाव ।
  • बेरोजगारी को सङ्ख्या बृधि हुने 
  • भोकमरी तथा बेरोजगारीले चोरी डकेटि जस्ता कार्य हरु बढ्न सक्ने 
  • शिक्षा क्षेत्र मा परेको नकारात्मक प्रभाव ले मुलुकको HDI  घट्न सक्ने ।
  • मानसिक तथा आर्थिक तनावले आत्म हत्या गर्ने को संख्यामा बृधि हुन सक्ने ।

                                                                                                                  घरमा बसौ 
                                                                                                                   सुरक्षित रहौ ।

Thursday, April 16, 2020

abuamit: खाधान्न बितरणका  लागि  उपयुक्त  मोडेल अहिले सरकार...

abuamit: खाधान्न बितरणका  लागि  उपयुक्त  मोडेल 
अहिले सरकार...
: खाधान्न बितरणका  लागि  उपयुक्त  मोडेल  अहिले सरकारका लागि खाधान्न  बितरण कार्यक्रम चुनौतीका बिषय बनेका छन् । १८.७ % गरीब  भएको मुलुकमा...

abuamit: Defeating COVID-19

abuamit: Defeating COVID-19: Defeating Corona Virus (COVID-19) Follow the rules of WHO as below: General Rules: Always use mask when outside from your home. Mai...

खाधान्न बितरणका  लागि  उपयुक्त  मोडेल 

अहिले सरकारका लागि खाधान्न  बितरण कार्यक्रम चुनौतीका बिषय बनेका छन् । १८.७ % गरीब  भएको मुलुकमा गरिब तथा दैनिक ज्यालादारी व्येक्ति हरुको पहिचान गरि सम-न्यायिक बितरण को लागि खाचो महसुस भएको हुदाँ एउटा उपयोगी बितरणमुखी मोडेलको अपरिहार्य देखिञ्छ। सम्भव भए तल उलेखित मोडेल प्रयोग गरे सबै जनता मा सम-न्यायको अभाग हुने देखिन्छ ।

Defeating COVID-19

Defeating Corona Virus (COVID-19)

Follow the rules of WHO as below:
General Rules:

  1. Always use mask when outside from your home.
  2. Maintain minimum 10 meter distance from others.
  3. Take hot water within 30 Minutes if possible.
  4. Wash Your hands within at least 20 minutes.
  5. Wash foods taking from shop with soap water.
  6. keep social distancing.
  7. Follow the rules of government.
  8. Don't move your hand to nose, mouth and eye without washing.
  9. Keep distance from foreign people who have come before 30 days.

Specific Rules:

  1. Make quarantine yourself who have come from abroad.
  2. Contact to hospital who is filling illness with above 100 degree, getting problem on respiration
  3. Contact to hospital who have come from abroad for rapid test for corona.
  4. Brave yourself who have corona positive.

Google Stock Price Prediction 2020

Google Stock Price Prediction This model has been developed in popular deep learning framework tensorflow 2.0 version with keras. In t...